About Us
Fashcolony- London fashion brand focused on urban street style with the aim of identifying and filling the loopholes within trends.Fashion is braveness bold and unapologetic.
All products are well thought through before production and undergoes quality control. we are constantly working and ensuring that all our products are sourced in a more sustainable manner. Fashcolony main vision will be to continuously create collection which is suitable for all with no restrictions and boundaries.
End goal will be to embrace the now fashion in such an ethical manner with high regards to nature and responsible sourcing of products.
Our collection at FashColony is one grounded in practicality. We want to redefine what fashion means, and to create a powerful, bold, unapologetic style that doesn’t hold back on expressing individuality heritage and creativity. What we have come up with is something which is highly different, something that pushes out the boundaries of what fashion can be, and creates a comfortable, unisex streetwear collection that appeals to all. As a London-based, practical brand of streetwear, we’ve created something which we hope will go on to be a powerful solution for many people.
About the founder
Fashcolony was founded in 2020 just after Covid pandemic which was a pivotal moment for everyone and as history would have, fashion had also had change or revolutionary moment after pandemics. Fashion is an expression of oneself in different ways and we unconsciously do this on a day to day basis without even knowing. The brand is founded on the scope of symbolism, everything we set out in our collection is been focused symbols and iconology. Emmanuel looked at symbols as strength power confidence intimacy lifestyle pride and that’s why his first collection was mainly rooted on his heritage, drawing his inspiration from the historical coat of arm of Nigeria with two horses and an eagle which represent strength, dignity and unity.